My 2024 Calendar

My 2024 Calendar

It seems strange to be sitting here in my studio in June, thinking about next year's calendar. But that is exactly what I am doing.

It has been lovely these past few weeks , the sun has been shining and all the flowers are blooming in their turn. My laburnum tree , planted 2 years ago now is looking glorious.

I could claim this garden as mine, but sadly no, it is a National Trust Garden at Castle Drogo 

And the views across the valley to Drewsteingnton

were wonderful

But I was talking about next years calendar, I am just adding it to my website now as I have a number to sell, to make it a worthwhile undertaking.

If like my mum, you like to keep your calendars secret until you open them....look away now.

Other wise, let me share my decisions with you.


I had to decide on an impactful front cover


Then on a format , due to popular suggestions I have added more room to write on each month, but kept the pictures large , as that is the main point of the calendar.

The printing process is an expensive one so I am not yet at a point where I can do several calendars , so this has to please the most people it can in one go. I don't believe you can please all the people all of the time.


I try to pick paintings to reflect each month. and I have included many of my favourite subjects.

I have some offers on my website, so if you buy 2 calendars it is cheaper and there is a deal of a calendar and a book bought together.

I have kept the price the same as last year , I do try to keep things as affordable as possible

So here it is, my 2024 calendar, hot off the press, I hope you like it x





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