A (virtual) trip to Cornwall

A (virtual) trip to Cornwall

So the lock down continues, and we all play our part . I am in awe of those working so hard and caring for others, I am so sad to read about people who have lost their lives to this horrible virus. All I can do is stay at home , follow the guidelines and hope ( like all of us ) that this ends soon.

While we are all safe at home we all miss things, I miss family and friends . After that I miss trips to the beach , I do love the sea. So I thought today I would post a blog about a seascape based on the coastline of west Cornwall above Zennor. This part of the Cornish coast is my absolute favourite, and what better way to get through the next few weeks than take a virtual trip with my paintbrush.

Why not join me, we can explore the clifftops together, it may not work as well as we hope but we will have travelled there ,in our minds , at least.

First I sketch out the scene.



Then I use masking fluid to add some sparkles to the right hand side of the painting.



Trying to make small marks to emulate the sparkles of the light on the sea, I use a paper clip to apply the masking fluid



Next I paint the sky, it is a warm sunny day on our trip to the Cornish coast. I wet the sky first .



I turn my board upside down. Then paint a strip of weak yellow ochre along the horizon and let that bleed into the wet paper.



Then add the blue of the sky, Cerulean blue, try and do this in one go as if you go back into it you will leave marks in the sky. I left strips of white paper to give the impressions of wispy clouds.



Then I use a weak mixture of cobalt blue and cadmium red to paint the distant cliffs.



Then as the cliffs get closer add more pigment to the mixture. I also pat the cliff with a crumpled piece of kitchen towel, this adds a bit of texture to the rocks. I add some flicks of water too, and darker patches to show the shadows on the rocks. I have also added a lemony green cliff top.



Now for the sea, a mixture of blues. I use cobalt and indigo, as well as Prussian blue and some greens. I add darker areas to show waves out at sea, and shadows beneath the rocks.



Now I have moved onto the closest cliff top. I use lemon yellow, green gold, Indian yellow, sap green, blue , lots of colours to show the vegetation, as well as yellow ochre and purples for the rocky out crops. 



Now I am adding more detail, scratching out some grasses with a palette knife.



More darks now , to add shadow and texture , as well as some splatters and splashes.



Now I use an eraser to rub of the masking fluid, and add some paint back into the sea to get rid of the hard edges. I am playing about with paint and trying to tease the painting into submission.I like to use white acrylic too.

And I am done, an impression of a place I love painted on a sunny day in Devon. I hope you can find the same sort of escape in painting and have a go x

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